Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Shontelle - Perfect Nightmare

Shontelle - Impossible

Shontelle - Impossible

MR yg cAm pELeT~~

hah!nyh satu lg prob ak yg ak kurenng gemar..
nk kne stud mr nyh,adoyai..belek past year
pon adus nk jwb pnyer la payah doh..aish!!
mner la ak nk cari tok guru yg free jer n x cerewet??
tlgla trunkn ilmu beliau tuh kt aku..hope
witout any cost la ea.....

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

eXam sudeyh

wah ari first paper exam aku..sgt cuak kott
xpnh aku rse cuak yg maha hebat xcm spt sem dolu2..
ilek la skitt,,haha myb factors sem nyh ak da kne study sndri kott.
adoy da la cb pnyer bku bkn men tebal lg..spe x cuak
.tiap2 ari tdo plok bku.nk pndg pon x sgup en..
arini aku da exam cb..mse nk msok mgigil kot..
satu nervous pnyer psl nk2 econ waalaweh kuat nk mampos.
smpi ketar2 tgn ak mnulis sjok sgt...
nk jer pgl spe2.."kak bole slowkn skit x econ..kalo off tros lg besh"..hahaha
anyway skg aku da lps ,cuak pon da kurg.
special thx to nody coz trg mlm sblom exam psl social cls yg upper2 tuh..
to jan thx for diffusion..n to lala thx 4 culture walopon ak ader trtgl xsmpt jwb skitt..
but spesel thx la to korg 3 coz exam ak jwb base aper korg cter mlm sblom kter nk examlove r korg..muah33.so mao rest jap sblom smbg next subj..
p/s to eira:bwk sweater t ko ggl kesejukn..